3 days trending topics in twitter: SNOW LEOPARD
Snow Leopard Trending topics on twitter mikrobloging site for 3 days, since August 26, 2009 is about the Snow Leopard, the latest operating system from Apple.Trending Topics in this Twitter talk about installing or upgrading the OS with the latest from the Mac OS.
Apple finally officially launched, Mac OS X 10.6 or later called SNOW LEOPARD.Launching SNOW LEOPARD is done on Friday local time.
New look of Snow Leopard are supported by several features . Finder featur with Operating system 64-bit version, Mail, iCall, iChat, Safari web browser is the latest, Grand Central Dispath multithreading technology which is familiar among gamers. The latest computer-based Apple Mac operating system starting August 28, 2009 will use the OS X Snow Leopard. If you buy an Apple computer is not using OS X Snow Leopard after June 8, 2009, you can upgrade OS X Snow Leopard with prices $ 9.95 USD, the program will expire on December 26, 2009